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ENG.:Grethe's Amazing, hand painted swimming pool. She was asked to paint it, and couldn't refuse . It took only a week of really hard work, while children cam by every day and asked in anticipation, when the pool would be finished, 'We want to swim with the animals!'

DK.:Grethes fantastisk, håndmalede svømme pulje. Hun blev bedt om at males den, og kunne ikke sige nej til den opfordrende opgave. Det tog bare en uge af virkeligt hårdt arbejde, mens børn komme hver dag og spurgte i forventning, når puljen ville være malet færdig, ’Vi ville svømme med dyrene’!


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Grethe's large swimming pool, Ottawa Canada

Grethe-pool (2).jpg

Grethe's large swimming pooll, Ottawa Canada


Grethe's large swimming pool, Ottawa Canada

- Storegade 28, 3740 Svaneke Bornholm - DK - tlf. PHP 2170 1771 / GL 2866 2236 -