Acrylic Paintings on Canvas
Grethe Lauesen hasn't the patience for oil paints. She needs her paints to dry quickly for her immediate, expressive and spontaneous way of working. Grethe paints with a daring and bold passion. Her paintings often have a political tone to them but she also paints themes from mythology and history. Her sometimes childlike freedom, captures all, but often in very different ways.
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'Good Morning!!' / 'God Morgen!!' / 116x145cm / 2011
'The Masquerade' / 'Maskeraden' / 114x145cm / 2011
'Playful' / 'Legende' / 116x145cm / 2011
The Pisces' / 'Fisken' / 120x100cm /2009/ SOLD
'The Fisher' / 'Fiskeren' / 114X137cm / 2009 / SOLD
'The Prize Bull' / 'Premiære Tyren' / 125 x117 cm / 2008
'The Mask' / 'Masken' 120x160cm /2008 / SOLD
'Different Levels' / 'Forskellige Nivåer' / 116x130cm / 2008
'Sensitive' / 'Sensitiv' / 85x150cm / 2007 / SOLD
'Gemini' / 'Tvillingen' / 120x132cm / 2007
Lonesome Walk' / 'Ensom Gåtur' / 149x155cm / 1995
'The Newcomers' / 'Tilflytter' / 142x139cm / 2004
'The Minister of Kulture' or 'The Speaker' / 'Kultur Paven' eller 'Taleren' / 119x130cm / 2008
'A Ray of Sun' or ' The Smiling Lion' / 'Solstrej' - eller- 'Den Smilende løve' / 121x138 cm / 2008
'Morning Light' or 'Dawn' / 'Morgenlyset' / 127x140cm / 2007
'The Caveman' / 'Hullemanden' / 136x155 cm / 2007
'The Ocean Man' / 'Havmanden' 140x130cm / 2006 / SOLD'
'Questions to the Heavens' / 'Spørgsmål til Himlen' / 167x173 cm / 2006
'Dancing Girls' / 'Dansende Piger' / 75x90 cm / 2004 / SOLD
'Gremlin' / 140x130 cm / 2004
'I Can Fly' / 140x130 cm / 2004 / SOLD
Pre Bornholm (before 2003)
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